Importing from Facebook

Get started importing contacts from Facebook with Dex (including birthdays!)

Dex supports importing from Facebook. When you import from Facebook, you can:

  • Import birthdays: view upcoming birthdays and receive notifications on contacts you care about

  • Facebook Profile Images: add profile pictures from Facebook to your Dex contacts

  • Birthday / Calendar integration: with Contact Sync, see all your upcoming birthdays on Google Calendar!

Before you begin

  1. Sign up for Dex using your Google Account or Email

  2. Download and install the Dex for Chrome extension

  3. Login to your Facebook account:

⚠️ To import from Facebook with the Dex Extension: you must be using Google Chrome

Starting the import process

Navigate to the 'Import page' at Next, click the row that says 'Facebook':

  • You'll be prompted to install the extension if you haven't already.

  • After confirming, the Dex extension will open Facebook and start the import process.

The Dex extension will scroll through your friends list and birthdays to add this information to Dex. All of your information is private only to you, and you can delete your data at any time.

⚠️ DO NOT click away from the page during the import process. Otherwise, we might miss contacts! In the meantime, take a break while we do the heavy lifting.

Completing the import process

Once the Facebook import process has concluded, you'll see:

  • How many contacts were imported or updated from Facebook

  • The number of contacts added from Facebook

If you run the import process more than once, existing contacts will not be duplicated (and will instead be updated). Note: we recommend archiving instead of deleting Facebook contacts if you like to import from Facebook regularly.

Learn more about birthdays

pageBirthdays 🎈

See duplicates?

Use the merge and fix tool from Dex to help clean up your contacts and remove duplicate entries.

pageMerge and Fix 👥

Last updated