Importing from Connected Sources

Learn how Dex can import from 27+ sources including Google Contacts, iCloud, Outlook, and others.

Open the import menu

From the side panel, open the import contacts menu. Click on "Other" to see the list of contacts providers Dex supports.

Import from iCloud Contacts

Select iCloud Contacts in the Import Contacts modal to start the importing process from your iCloud account. Follow the instructions to login using your Apple ID and connect your Apple iCloud account. We will never store your email or password information, and your login information is secure throughout this process.

Import from Google Contacts

Importing from Google contacts just requires you to connect your Google account. Clicking on Google Contacts in the Import Window will bring up Google's Authentication window. Google will then ask you to grant Dex access to your address book during this import process.

Import from Outlook Contacts

Follow the instructions on screen to download your contacts from your Outlook. Once finished, drag the file in the box to connect this source to Dex.

Upload from .csv

If you store your contacts on a spreadsheet, simply save your spreadsheet file as a .csv and upload it to Dex to add all of your contacts. Once uploaded, you can quickly deduplicate and merge the information with your other connected contact sources.

Last updated