Last Interaction 📖

Each contact has a date of last interaction, which is used to store the last time you contacted or met with someone. This field is used by Dex to deliver useful recommendations.

How is Last Interaction Set?

  • Manually: on the browser extension, web application, and mobile app, you can manually change your last interaction.

  • Creating a Timeline Note: when creating a new note on a Contact timeline, we will update last interaction for all relevant contacts (if more recent than the previous Last Interaction)

  • When importing from LinkedIn: using the Browser Extension, we'll set the last interaction of the date you connected with a LinkedIn connections when creating an account

  • Automatically:

    • Calendar Integration: we'll update a contact's last interaction based on the most recent Google Calendar event matched with a contact.

    • Gmail Account Integration: we'll update a contact's last interaction based on the most recent Gmail email matched with a contact.

What happens Last Interaction is updated?

When last interaction is update, any relevant Keep-in-touch reminders will be reset. Based on frequency, the new 'keep-in-touch by date' will be set to the a new date determined by the Last Interaction plus keep-in-touch frequency

  • For example, your contact Jack has a keep-in-touch-frequency of every month. The last interaction is updated to August, 1st, 2021 when you create a new timeline note. The new 'keep-in-touch by' date is automatically moved to September 1st, 2021 (August 1st + 1 month).

Last updated